SonicSens 3 uses intelligent ultrasonic technology to monitor networks and prevent surcharge and spill events, ensuring cost-effective compliance and damage limitation.
When deployed to conduct Event Duration Monitoring at Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO), SonicSens 3 alerts to surcharges, reporting event occurrence, time and duration, and because it avoids contact with its environment there is little need for scheduled maintenance.
ATEX (Zone 0) certified for use in hazardous environments, SonicSens 3 is dependable and, when paired with our ATEX Battery Pack, can deliver accelerated sample rates and increased dial-in frequency whilst maintaining a five-year battery life.
Avoiding contact with its environment, thereby reducing the risk of contamination and lowering maintenance requirements, SonicSens 3 delivers the highly accurate level data used to support effective network monitoring and decision-making.
To download the SonicSens 3 datasheet please click here.