PermaNET+ TM
The PermaNET+ Trunk Main (TM) system combines a high performance hydrophone sensor with versatile telemetry technology to create a continuous monitoring system for sensitive pipelines.
PermaNET+ TM is fully compatible with PermaNET Web, the online data viewing and analysis platform, combining to provide map-based display, GIS interface and full audio and correlation facilities.
Once installed, leak data is calculated using the proven Permalog algorithm, and data is transmitted via low cost cellular telemetry. This removes the requirement for expensive site visits and “drive by” data retrieval.
PermaNET+ TM transmits data through an integral modem with GPRS/2G, 4G, LTE-M (Cat-1) and other NBIoT cellular options available.
PermaNET+ TM allows leakage teams to monitor the status of each deployed logger from map based host software using any internet enabled device.
Leaks are identified immediately and once the presence of a leak has been identified, secondary measures can be used to check and remove ‘false positives’ and also to localise the leak position.
Key Features and Benefits
- High performance hydrophone: better performance over long pipe lengths, large diameter pipes and plastic pipes
- Frequent logging: establishes the noise profile and profile alarms for precise immediate leakage alarms
- Determine leak size: by matching daily alarms with flow data to enable prioritisation of leak alerts
- Telemetry: NBIoT LTE-based cellular communication standard with fallback 2G capability
- Precise logging: ability to log noise more frequently to establish the noise profile and profile alarms for precise immediate leakage alarm
- Secondary validation:
- Aqualog - detailed noise histogram to reduce 'false positives'
- Audio - remotely listen to the noise
- Remote correlation to localise leak position
- Fully waterproof: the IP68 rating has been tested at 10m depth over a 24 hour period
- PermaNET Web: software supports: -
- Correlation
- Map view
- Aqualog
- Select GIS file formats
- Remote configuration
- Filtering
- Easy to use: compatible with the HWM Deployment app and can also be programmed through PermaNET Web
- External antennas: support improved signal strength (contact HWM for more information)